Saturday, May 28, 2011

Introductions All Around

Hi there. I don't know how you stumbled across this, but here you are. You might as well grab a chair and get comfortable. Have a drink. Scratch your behind. Go ahead. This place is casual as it comes.

I see I'm being rude and haven't introduced myself. My name is Wade. Some people call me General. Some people call me Smart. Not Smart like intelligent, though I certainly wouldn't be insulted by that. I am called General and Smart because these are legitimate aliases I use from time to time. I am an independent pro wrestler and these are the names I use currently(General) and in the past(Smart) .

Allow me to save you precious search time on Google. You haven't heard of me. Other than a YouTube page, I am practically invisible on the internet. I'm Ok with that.

I don't have huge arms or a tan, muscular body. I am in no danger of being contacted by the WWE. I'm even obscure for the world of independent wrestling. I'm a weekend warrior who has 3 to 5 matches a month. I am on the fringe, the outer edge(See what I did there?) of the wrestling world.

And I love each and every minute of it.

I've always wanted to write about my experiences. Even a guy like me, obscure as they come, has insight that the average fan or non-fan doesn't have. I think the world of pro wrestling is the most interesting thing I could ever be a part of. It's my hope that this blog, provided I keep up with it and don't lose interest, can give people who are curious an idea of what goes on behind the scenes. Wrestling is much more than you might think it is. I've always felt that if people understood it in the same way that they understand television or music, that it might not have such a bad reputation. Some might even give wrestling a chance and become a fan.

People who learn that I do this in my free time always have questions: Are your matches scripted? How do you figure out who wins? Does it hurt? Is the ring really like a big trampoline? Do you make money doing it? I plan on answering these questions and more.

My YouTube page is here. It's been a while since I've used Blogger. I'll add a normal link on the side of the page when I remember how to do it. In the meantime, head on over to YouTube and watch some wrestling action of widely varying quality. Some matches are quite good. Others are not. I promise only wrestling. Your opinion of the quality may vary.

If you are reading this and have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. I will try to address every one in future posts. This is all provided someone actually reads this.

Let's get on with it then...

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